Becoming a supplier to Liseberg
We are proud of our long-term and stable collaborations with several of our existing suppliers, who have contributed to our successful results over the years. At the same time, we are open to new collaborations and suppliers. By welcoming fresh knowledge and innovation into our operations, we aim to continue growing together and achieve our vision — to be the obvious meeting place in Gothenburg, the most sought-after destination in Sweden, and the most beloved entertainment destination in Europe.

Procurement at Liseberg
When making purchases, Liseberg applies the Swedish Public Procurement Act (LOU) since we are owned by the City of Gothenburg. Our procurement processes are characterized by transparency, competition, and equal treatment, and we promote a fair and efficient competitive environment in the supplier market
In cases where it is applicable, we use the City of Gothenburg’s framework agreements. For specific needs, we conduct our own procurement processes to ensure that we receive the most suitable delivery for our operations.