Owner and owner’s directive
Liseberg belongs to the people of Gothenburg. Liseberg is actually one of the City of Gothenburg’s municipal companies. Liseberg consequently has a politically appointed board and it is the city council that determines the governing principles for the company.
Our owner
Apart from two preference shares, Liseberg AB is a wholly owned subsidiary of Göteborg & Co Träffpunkt AB, which is directly and wholly owned by Göteborgs Stadshus AB, which in turn is wholly owned by the City of Gothenburg. The organization is presented in full on the website of Göteborg Stadshus AB.
How we are governed
The scope of our business is laid down in the owner’s directive. In addition to the owner’s directive, our activities are also governed by the articles of association and governing documents of the city council. On matters of principle or of great importance, the company must seek guidance from the city council.