Max hamburgare

Sweden’s best burgers!

Our food

Sweden’s best burgers now at Liseberg

Max will be opening at Liseberg in time for the 2017 season. Max offers traditional burgers as well as vegetarian and healthy options, and will have sevral outlets in the park.

Max is passionate about finding new tastes, exciting combinations and the best ingredients. Their ambition has not changed since 1968 – to serve the best burgers in Sweden.

Freshly made burgers taste the best, so your burger is cooked to order. Max Burger restaurants serve only Swedish beef, Swedish chicken and Swedish bacon. Max also compensates for all its climate impact – from the farm to the restaurant table – by planting trees in Africa.

Talk to the staff if you have a food allergy or are gluten- or lactose-intolerant.

Find us

You can find Max near the Oldtimers on Storgatan, near Balder and in Liseberg Tower (not during Christmas at Liseberg).

Here you find Max hamburgare

You can find Max hamburgare here, click on the map for more information and to explore different areas.