Contact us

If you can’t find answers to your questions on our website, feel free to contact us.

Bookning and customer service

Contact Liseberg’s Bookings and Customer Service to book tickets for events, make restaurant reservations and ask for information about tickets for the park and purchasing on our website.

Phone: 031-400 100
E-mail: [email protected]

Contact details for our accommodation can be found on the relevant accommodation page.

Meetings, events and group bookings

For booking of meetings, conferences, events and group bookings, please email us at [email protected]

Contact details for our corporate sales staff can be found under the heading .

Find us

Looking for an address or directions to Liseberg park, Liseberg’s accommodation or entertainment venues? All our information on how to get to Liseberg is gathered on the Find us page.

Postal address:
Liseberg AB
Box 5053
SE-402 22 Gothenburg

Phone switchboard: +46 31-400 100
E-mail: [email protected]
Corporate identity number: 556023-6811
Registrar: [email protected]

Visiting address, head office:
Liseberg AB
Sofierogatan 5
SE-412 51 Gothenburg

Visiting address, Spindeln:
Liseberg AB
Nellickevägen 6
SE-412 63 Gothenburg

See info for suppliers
For other queries regarding invoicing, contact [email protected]