
At Liseberg, we’re delighted when you share wonderful memories from your visit to us using the hashtag #liseberg on social media. We’d also love you to let us share your fantastic picture on our website! We mainly publish your picture on liseberg.se, but it may also appear in other channels such as Instagram, Facebook or our newsletters. We may publish the text, hashtags and comments from your picture, either in their original form or in an edited version. We may also choose not to publish the text or hashtags at all, and we may adapt your picture for the relevant channel by cropping or editing it.

By responding to our request with the hashtag #GoLiseberg, you agree to the following terms:

You grant Liseberg AB (co. reg. no. 556023-6811) a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use all pictures and/or videos that you publish with @lisebergab or the hashtag #liseberg, and for which you have responded with the hashtag #GoLiseberg (referred to below as pictures/videos), in the gallery on our website (www.liseberg.se.), in social media and in e-mails. Liseberg will use the pictures by publishing them on liseberg.se, in our social channels and in e-mails, but not in other marketing channels. Please note that Liseberg can never claim ownership of your pictures/videos, but only has the right to use them for marketing purposes on liseberg.se, in Liseberg’s social media and in Liseberg’s e-newsletters.

You hereby certify and confirm that:
(i) you own all rights to your pictures/videos, or have the right to upload the pictures/videos as set out above (ii) you have been granted authorisation by any persons who are visible and identifiable in your pictures/videos, or by these persons’ legal guardians, for the pictures/videos to be used for Liseberg’s marketing purposes

(iii) you have been granted authorisation by any persons who are visible and identifiable in your pictures/videos, or by these persons’ legal guardians, for the processing of personal data pursuant to the GDPR

(iv) Liseberg’s use of your pictures/videos will not violate any third party’s rights or reputation, or otherwise violate any laws.

What does this mean for you?
Your pictures/videos will not only be visible to your own followers, but also to everyone else who likes Liseberg. This gives you the chance to inspire others by your visit to Liseberg and maybe gain a follower or two as well!
