Dance the night away at Liseberg

During the summer evenings at Lilla Scenen/Polketten, you can dance to Sweden's best dance bands

Sweden’s best dance bands provide the backing for modern dance and traditional  dance at Lilla Scenen/Polketten. During the summer, you can also join in for a dance at Elvadansen on Wednesdays. Elvadansen is free of charge.

Handy to know

Dance your heart out

You could say that Lilla Scenen/Polketten dates back to 1925, but that was on a completely different dance floor near what was then Lillköping. A folk dance group was based there and its traditional Nordic dances were soon a big hit. The following year, Liseberg built Lilla Scenen/Polketten as a venue specifically for traditional Nordic dances. Originally the dance floor had no roof, but was decorated all around with birch twigs.

Right from the start Lilla Scenen/Polketten was a popular success, and has remained so ever since. In those days a dance token cost SEK 0.10 and each dance lasted three minutes. The popular Spelmanspojkarna, who played dance music every evening of the week, even used an hourglass to time the length of each tune.

Here you find Lilla Scenen/Polketten

You can find Lilla Scenen/Polketten here, click on the map for more information and to explore different areas.